
"The Support Broker provides information; guidance and technical assistance to the individual so that s/he can access, organize and utilize opportunities, resources and services necessary to live a self determined life. The role of the Support Broker is uniquely defined by the individual utilizing the brokering service."

Since embarking on his career as a support broker in 1998, Matt Novinska has dedicated over two decades to empowering individuals with disabilities and their families to navigate through the complexities of personalized support systems.

Over the years, Matt has become an expert in his field, known for his deep understanding of the intricacies of social services, healthcare systems, and personalized budget planning. His expertise extends to developing individualized service plans that not only cater to the unique needs of his clients but also ensure they are sustainable and flexible, adapting to changing needs over time.

Matt's approach is characterized by a blend of empathy, innovation, and strategic thinking. He has been instrumental in pioneering the use of technology to enhance communication between stakeholders, and in creating more efficient ways to track and manage resources. His commitment to continuous learning has seen him stay ahead of policy changes and best practices in the field of support brokering.

Throughout his career, Matt has built a reputation not just for his professional acumen, but for his genuine care and commitment to the people he works with. He has mentored numerous new brokers, sharing his knowledge and experience to uplift the next generation of professionals in the field. His advocacy work has also led to the development of more inclusive policies and practices within the community.

Matt's impact is evident in the countless testimonials from families and individuals who credit him with transforming their lives. From navigating funding sources to selecting the best care providers and advocating for rights and services, Matt has been a beacon of support, guiding his clients toward more independent and fulfilling lives.

As he reflects on over 25 years of service, Matt Novinska remains dedicated to his mission, continually seeking ways to innovate and improve the support broker field. His legacy is one of compassion, resilience, and unwavering support for those seeking to live their lives to the fullest, on their own terms.